Reflections From The Rabbit Hole

Reflections From The Rabbit Hole

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Save The Last Dance For Me

As time marches on, I march also, but right now, to a slower drummer.

I have slept almost continuously for two days, my body and mind exhausted from fighting the MS and the bi-polar disorder. Both diseases bring out the demons in me that have to be strong to battle these two invaders.

I've already addressed the MS in another post, but here is the reality of bi-polar disorder = BPD

taking a toll on the human life, especially the spirit, mind and soul. This picture speaks volumes for me.

It is an"invisible disease" = if you look at me and I look "OK" to you, then you probably move on and think I'm having a great day, but usually I'm focused on making it through the day.

If I don't seem happy when I'm in your presence, don't take it personally. As you can see, I have a lot on my plate and my mission in life, at this moment, is not to make you happy.

With all your compassion and empathy and sympathy, I don't want any of those = I want you to accept me for who I am and have an understanding about the miles I've walked in with these shoes I have on.

And one of these days, when I walk up to you, will you save "the last dance for me"??

Until then, this is the Last Word.

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